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quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2015

Call for Applications for Editor of Children, Youth and Environments

The current editors are soliciting candidates for editor (or co-editors) of the journal Children, Youth and Environments. The new editor will assume the position of editor-designate in the summer of 2015 and during the transition will begin working with the current editors Willem van Vliet, Louise Chawla and Fahriye Sancar to become familiar with journal operations and procedures. The editor-designate will assume lead responsibility for the journal beginning in the Spring of 2016, commencing with Volume 26.

The position of editor/co-editor is a volunteer position, with journal funds available to pay for a Managing Editor, copy editor, and other technical assistance. Requirements for editor/co-editor include having a Ph.D. in a field related to children’s environments, some editing and publishing experience, and familiarity with the Children, Youth and Environments journal.  Please, direct questions about this position to the journal’s lead editor, Dr. Willem van Vliet (phone 303-492-5015; email: willem@colorado.edu).

Candidates should submit a copy of their vita, a 1-2 page statement about their vision for the journal, their relevant editorial and/or publishing experience, and information about any institutional support available for the journal at their institution.  One full set of application materials should be sent to Dr. van Vliet at willem@colorado.edu.  Review of applications will begin on March 15, 2015. The current editors will review applications and, in consultation with the Associate Editors, make a final decision regarding candidate selection.

Readers of Children, Youth and Environments represent a range of fields including education, architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and design, and nonprofit and government agencies in child advocacy and international development. The journal publishes papers on a broad range of topics and approaches, including quantitative and qualitative empirical research, theoretical, methodological and historical investigations, critical literature reviews, design analyses, postoccupancy evaluations, policy studies, and program assessments. It uses a double-blind peer review process.

Through its publication platform, JSTOR, more than 1,700 libraries worldwide subscribe, in addition to individual subscribers.  Readers in more than 100 countries request over 35,000 full text papers a year. The Editorial Advisory Board includes global leaders in the field of child, youth and environment research and practice.

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