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sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2012

Occasional Papers: After-School Time

Occasional Papers invites contributions to a special issue on After-School Time

After-school time, once reserved primarily for informal social activities, has become a source of increasing concern for adults who see these hours as crucial to the academic and social development of healthy young people. Much of the research and policy related to after-school time echoes these concerns, placing emphasis on the need for structure and surveillance, and focusing on assessment-driven outcomes. Yet, for many children and youth, the after-school hours are more than “school outside of school,” providing a space for autonomy, non-school activities, or “hanging out” with friends, on or offline. With potential differences in adult and youth perspectives in view, this special issue of the Bank Street Occasional Papers seeks to answer the questions: What do young people value about their out of school hours? What else might after-school time offer, other than more school?

After-School Time will provide a forum for discussing the lives of school-aged children and youth outside the classroom. In particular, we are interested in research that explores young people’s experiences in after-school spaces including, but not limited to, patterns of participation, relationships among peers, and between adults and children. We have identified three kinds of spaces, mindful that after-school geographies overlap, to organize our inquiry:
Institutional Spaces

Despite a great deal of interest in after-school programs from researchers and policy-makers, there has been little consensus on which of these programs are successful, or even on how success should be defined. While some see after-school programs as ideal spaces for arts-based activities that are no longer available in many schools, others see them as places for academic remediation and test-preparation. These choices, while reflecting the need for programs to produce demonstrable outcomes to secure funding, often leave little room for engaging young people in making decision about their discretionary time. How might we revitalize youth decision making in after-school programming? How do we support activities and engagements that matter to the way young people see their lives?
Public Spaces

Long considered a nuisance to society, young people’s use of public space such as malls, parks, and libraries, is often highlighted in debates about after-school time. Youth bodies and youth activities are produced as inherently dangerous in the public domain, and cited by adults as justification for increased surveillance and regulation. Research is only beginning to explore the effects of geographical privatization on young people’s lives. How are young people using public spaces? What tensions occur between young people and those who govern public spaces, and how are these tensions being resolved?
Personal Spaces

While access to personal space continues to be mediated by a variety of economic, social, and cultural factors, young people in the highly industrialized countries spend an increasing amount of their after-school hours in personal spaces. Teens’ bedrooms, in particular, have become important sites for leisure and learning where they are increasingly networked through vast media resources. What roles do these personal spaces, or the lack thereof, play in young people’s after-school time? How are young people’s personal after-school spaces affected by changing definitions of private and public life?

We encourage submissions that include audio or video recordings, photography, or graphic art, in addition to traditional written analysis.

If you have questions or would like to discuss your ideas, please contact guest editor, Jennifer Teitle at jennifer-teitle@uiowa.edu or 563-271-8672.

Due Date: January 1, 2013. Manuscripts should be double spaced and formatted in APA Style. Text manuscripts may be between 1000-6000 words. Only unpublished manuscripts that are not under review by other publications are eligible for consideration. Send manuscript as Word document, subject line OP Special Issue Submission, to Jennifer Teitle -- jennifer-teitle@uiowa.edu

For more information about Bank Street’s Occasional Papers:bankstreet.edu/occasional-papers

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