AMECYS Call for Papers:
Graduate Student Paper Prize
Submissions deadline: Thursday, March 15, 2018
The Association of Middle East Children’s and Youth Studies (AMECYS) calls graduate students engaged in the study of children and youth in the region (and diasporic communities) to submit their papers to the AMECYS graduate student paper prize. A cash prize of $100 will be awarded to the winner at the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) of North America’s annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas, November 15-18, 2018.
Papers can be submitted in any capacity that aligns with AMECYS’ mission statement:
The AMECYS is a private, non-profit, international association for scholars with an interest in the study of children and youth in the Middle East, North Africa and their diasporic communities. Through interdisciplinary programs, publications, and services, AMECYS promotes innovative scholarship, facilitates global academic exchange, and enhances public understanding about Middle Eastern children and youth in diverse times and places.
Requirements for submission:
- Papers should not exceed 7,500 (excluding bibliographies and endnotes)
- The paper should never have been submitted for publication
- The format needs to include: Standard font, Double-spaced, 1” margins, IJMES standards for endnotes and transliteration
- Member of AMECYS in good-standing
- Proof of registered graduate student enrollment for the 2018-2019 academic year may be requested at a later date
The AMECYS graduate student representative, program chair and appointed committee will review all papers submitted by members of AMECYS that are received by the deadline of Thursday, March 15.
Call for Papers - RGS-IBG 2018, Cardiff, UK
Tear down the walls! Cross-disciplinary engagements with geographies of education and learning, Geographiedidaktik and young people’s geographies
Session Convenors:
Dr. Itta Bauer, University of Zurich, Switzerland and Dr. Matt Finn, University of Exeter, contacts:,
The starting point of this session is Doreen Massey’s argument that stimulating intellectual developments particularly come from “places where boundaries between disciplines have been constructively breached and new conversations have taken place” (Massey 1999: 5).
We seek to cross boundaries between geography, social and cultural studies, didactics and pedagogy by promoting an “engaged pluralism” (Barnes and Sheppard 2010) of new ideas of research and teaching in the geographies of education and learning. These boundaries may have been built (and increased) on the premise of different languages and publication cultures or various forms of academic socialization and network commitments. Our hope is that by focusing on “connecting things”, we may actually renew the debate on “geography without borders” instigated by Castree, Fuller and Lambert (2007) but the promise of which remains unrealized.
To work towards this unfulfilled promise, we would like to explicitly invite contributions from geography, learning and didactics (Geographiedidaktik, didactique de la géographie, etc.). Issues like e.g. sustainability and learning (BNE) (Bagoly-Simo 2013; Widener, Gliedt and Tziganuk 2016), citizenship education (Jekel, Gryl and Oberrauch 2015; Mills 2012), critical and cultural geographies of schools and learning (Mills and Kraftl 2016; Noethen and Schlottmann 2015; Schreiber, Stein and Pütz 2016; Schröder 2016), or new socio-technical innovations in geography education (incl. MOOCS, GIS, GPS, and social media) certainly are interesting intersections that offer common ground for cross-disciplinary fertilization. The session opens up a space where the many existing (at times parallel) discourses may benefit from an open-minded exchange of ideas, theories, practices, and policies of research. It is our intention to productively take the discourses elsewhere (Gregson and Rose 2000): from a national to an international audience, from the narrow borderlines of disciplines to an exchange among (and beyond) geographers with various interests and backgrounds and live up to the claim of a geography that is not only transgressing, but actually may indeed be undoing borders.
Broadly speaking the sessions will consider:
· What can be learnt through bringing geographies of education, young people’s geographies and geography education into dialogue?
· How might the concerns and debates in international literature and language traditions, challenge and enliven Anglophone/international work and vice versa?
We would like to invite contributions that engage with these themes through issues such as, but not restricted to:
· Spatial citizenship, geo-spatial learning and geocapabilities
· Space, place and learning about geographies of difference, including education concerning gender, race, sexualities, dis/ability
· Governmentality and sites of learning
· Positionality of students, teachers and researchers exploring the possibilities and challenges of working at the borderlines of geography and didactics
· Geo-politics of education, learning and geographical knowledge
· Assemblage approaches to young people’s geographies and to their education and learning
· Critical geographies of education, learning and young people including but not limited to responses to austerity, racism, and consumer culture.
We would particularly like to support participation from people of contexts affected by inequalities that make attendance challenging. We can explore means of achieving this, which could include pre-recorded video presentations or skype presentations.
The session(s) will be organized in 4 x 20 min. presentations, plus 20 min. discussion.
If you are interested, please send a title, 250-word abstract and author details to:
The deadline for submission is 9th February 2018.
The session is co-sponsored by the Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group (GCYFRG), the Higher Education Research Group (HERG) and Hochschulverband für Geographiedidaktik (HGD)
Bagoly-Simo, P. (2013): Tracing Sustainability: An International Comparison of ESD Implementation into Lower Secondary Education. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 7(1): 91-108.
Barnes, T.J. and Sheppard, E. (2010): ‘Nothing includes everything’: towards engaged pluralism in Anglophone economic geography. Transactions in Human Geography 34(2): 193–214.
Castree, N. Fuller, D. and D. Lambert (2007): Geography without borders. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series 32(2): 129-132.
Gregson, N. and G. Rose (2000): Taking Butler elsewhere: Performativities, Spatialities and Subjectivities. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 18(4): 433-452.
Jekel, T., Gryl, I. and A. Oberrauch (2015): Education for Spatial Citizenship: Versuch einer Einordnung. GW-Unterricht 137(1): 5-13.
Massey, D. (1999): Negotiating disciplinary boundaries. Current Sociology 47(4): 5-12.
Mills, S. (2012): An instruction in good citizenship': scouting and the historical geographies of citizenship education. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 38(1): 120-134.
Mills, S. and P. Kraftl (2016): Cultural geographies of education. cultural geographies 23(1): 19-27.
Noethen, E. and A. Schlottmann (2015): “Stadt in den Blick genommen” – Ansätze zur Differenzierung beim Erwerb kritisch-reflexiver visueller Kompetenz. GW-Unterricht 139(3): 32-41.
Schreiber, V., Stein, C. and R. Pütz (2016): Governing childhood through crime prevention: the case of the German school system. Children`s Geographies 14(3): 325-339.
Schröder, B. (2016): Machtsensible geographiedidaktische Konzepte des interkulturellen Lernens – Potenziale einer postkolonialen Perspektive. GW-Unterricht 144(4): 15-28.
Widener, J.M., Gliedt, T., and A. Tziganuk (2016): Assessing sustainability teaching and learning in geography education. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 17(5): 698-718.
Dear all - please see below a 2nd CFPs for the RGS-IBG 2018:
Introducing Young People to ‘Unfamiliar Landscapes’
Sponsored by the Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group (GCYFRG)
Dr Thomas Aneurin Smith, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University: smitht19@cardiff.a
‘Unfamiliar landscapes’ are places young people are introduced to, voluntarily or otherwise, by a range of actors. Unfamiliar landscapes include green and blue spaces that many young people cannot experience independently, because they are difficult to access, or because they are not skilled in traversing them: mountains, hills, forests and waterways, but also places that, although familiar, become unfamiliar as sites for formal or informal learning, about ecology, heritage or wellbeing.
Some argue such landscapes only recently became ‘unfamiliar’ to many young people. There has been considerable societal concern around young people’s access to nature, their freedoms to roam independently (Smith and Dunkley 2017). This has led to various claims about possible negative effects of ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’ (Louv 2008) on their wellbeing (Witten et al. 2013). Much of this concern focuses on children, rather than the more ‘difficult’ category of ‘Youth’. Equally, such concern neglects the plethora of services and organisations (schools, youth service providers, the outdoor education sector) that have long been introducing youngsters to unfamiliar landscapes. In the age of austerity and accountability these services find themselves under increasing pressure, with likely consequences for whether, how and where youth are introduced to unfamiliar landscapes.
This session will explore how introductions to ‘unfamiliar landscapes’ are caught in a number of contemporary tensions between youth, society and the environment, and how young people navigate this terrain. Themes include:
· sanctioning contemporary landscapes as appropriate or otherwise for youth to engage with ‘nature’ and ‘the outdoors’,
· organisations and individuals enabling youth to acquire skills and techniques for acting in unfamiliar landscapes,
· contrasting familiar and unfamiliar landscapes, how they are discursively and practically made (un)familiar to youth,
· ways young people understand and experience introductions to unfamiliar landscapes,
· the role of youth organisations, professionals and volunteers, including relationships between these organisations and young people,
· austerity’s impacts on youth provision, repercussions for youth access to, and enskilling in, unfamiliar landscapes,
· youngsters’ boredom when introduced to the unfamiliar,
· the culture of accountability, evidencing and evaluation, and implications for youth provision working with unfamiliar landscapes.
We welcome contributions from both researchers and practitioners who work in the youth or outdoor sectors, broadly defined. We will run two sessions – the first a paper session (15min presentations) followed by a practitioner forum in the form of a round table including invited practitioners from youth organisations and specialist youth workers.
Abstracts for paper presentations (250 words) should be sent to and smitht1 by 2 February 2018.
The 2018 Annual International Conference will be held at Cardiff University in Cardiff, from Tuesday 28 to Friday 31 August 2018.
Conference web page: On/ConferencesAndSeminars/ Annual+International+Conferenc e/Annual+international+ conference.htm
Louv, R. 2008. Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books.
Smith, T. A. and Dunkley, R. A. 2017. “Technology-Nonhuman-Child Assemblages: Reconceptualising Rural Childhood Roaming.” Children’s Geographies
Witten, K., R. Kearns, P. Carroll, L. Asiasiga, and N. Tava’e. 2013. “New Zealand Parents’ Understandings of the Intergenerational Decline in Children’s Independent Outdoor Play and Active Travel.” Children’s Geographies 11 (2): 215–229.
Dr Thomas Aneurin Smith
Lecturer in Human Geography
School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University
Room 2.82, Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, Wales, CF10 3WA
Lecturer in Human Geography
School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University
Room 2.82, Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, Wales, CF10 3WA
Prezadas e Prezados Colegas,
A Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa (Auto)Biográfica (BIOgraph) e a Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (UNICID) promoverão em parceria o VIII Congresso Internacional de Pesquisa (Auto)biográfica, com temática central Pesquisa (Auto) biográfica, mobilidades e incertezas: novos arranjos sociais e refigurações identitárias, que se realizará entre os dias 17 a 20 de setembro de 2018, na cidade de São Paulo.
Encaminhamos em anexo informações sobre o processo de inscrição de trabalho para o VIII CIPA.
Maiores informações consultar www.viiicipa. ou através do e-mail cipa2018unicid@gmail. com
Diretoria BIOgraph
Comissão Organizadora VIII CIPA
Convidamos para o O II Simpósio de Pesquisa em Educação – SiPEd tem com foco principal o intercâmbio entre pesquisas científicas desenvolvidas na Universidade Federal de Lavras – UFLA e em outras instituições.
Estamos trabalhando com a temática “Educação Básica: desafios e possibilidades na contemporaneidade”
Inteirem-se da programação em nosso site siped2018/ e nos ajudem a divulgar.
Un appel à participation pour un évènement scientifique qui peut intéresser certain.e.s d'entre vous.
Un Atelier Scientifique du CNRS autour des questions familiales (voir l'argumentaire ici) se tiendra, à Sète, du 5 au 8 juin 2018.
Déroulement de l’évènement
Les matinées seront consacrées à deux conférences plénières, suivies d’un temps d’échange avec les participant·e·s.
Conférencier·e·s invité·e·s
§ Charlotte Faircloth (University of Roehampton, Londres)
§ Claudia Fonseca (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre)
§ Diana Marre (UAB, Barcelone)
§ Dominique Memmi (Cnrs, CRESSPA-CSU)
§ Enric Porqueres i Gené (EHESS, IIAC-Laios)
§ Rayna Rapp (NYU, New York)
§ Camille Robcis (Cornell, Ithaca)
Les après-midis se diviseront en ateliers thématiques, permettant des échanges plus directs entre exposant·e·s et animateurs/animatrices. 8 thèmes ont été retenus :
§ Compter la famille
§ Résistances politiques
§ Présences à l'enfant
§ Mondialisations/Empires
§ Critiques féministes
§ Savoirs/techniques
§ Changements vs. permanences
§ Archives intimes
Les soirées seront consacrées à des échanges scientifiques plus informels (table-rondes, posters, etc.) permettant un dialogue renforcé entre participant·e·s et une diffusion plus large des savoirs.
Comment participer ?
24 participant·e·s sélectionné·e·s tous statuts et toutes disciplines La participation à l’atelier est soumise à sélection par le comité scientifique. Les 24 candidat·e·s retenu·e·s auront des objets de recherche autour des questions familiales et justifieront de leur intérêt pour la thématique. Pour vous porter candidat·e, merci d’adresser un résumé de votre communication (800 mots max) aux organisateurs, avec un titre, le panel auquel vous envisagez de participer et une brève justification de votre intérêt pour l’événement. sebastien.roux@eh, annesophie.vozari@gmai, jerome.courduries@univ-
Date limite : 15 février 2018
Les listes principale et complémentaire des candidatures retenues seront diffusées au plus tard le 26 février 2018. Les candidat·e·s sélectionné·e·s seront informé·e·s par e-mail de la procédure à suivre pour s’inscrire. Les candidat·e·s retenu·e·s devront impérativement confirmer leur participation avant le 9 mars 2018 (selon les modalités qui leurs seront indiquées par retour d’email).
Comité scientifique
§ Marc Bessin (Cnrs, Iris)
§ Isabelle Clair (Cnrs, Iris)
§ Natacha Collomb (Cnrs, Iris)
§ Jérôme Courduriès (Univ. Toulouse Jean Jaurès, LISST-Cas)
§ Mélanie Gourarier (Cnrs, LEGS)
§ Agnès Martial (Cnrs, Centre Norbert Elias)
§ Massimo Prearo (Université de Verone, Italie)
§ Wilfried Rault (Ined, Paris)
§ Sébastien Roux (Cnrs, LISST-Cas)
§ Michela Villani (Université de Fribourg, Suisse)
§ Anne-Sophie Vozari (EHESS, Iris)
Comité d’organisation
§ Jérôme Courduriès (Univ. Toulouse Jean Jaurès, LISST-Cas)
§ Sébastien Roux (Cnrs, LISST-Cas)
§ Anne-Sophie Vozari (EHESS, Iris)
Frais d’inscription
Les tarifs sont fixés en fonction des statuts et des institutions de rattachement.
§ Personnels CNRS* (IE, IR, CR, DR, doctorants sous contrat CNRS) : gratuit
§ Doctorant·e·s non financé·e·s : gratuit
§ Doctorant·e·s financé·e·s non CNRS : 100 €
§ Personnels établissements publics hors CNRS (post-doc, E-C, IR…) : 250 €
§ Personnels établissements privés : 500 €
* La prise en charge des personnels CNRS est assurée par la formation permanente du CNRS, pour les salariés permanents et contractuels (y compris doctorants financés par le CNRS).
Les frais d’inscription couvrent l’hébergement et la restauration sur place, ainsi que l’accès à toutes les sessions de formation. Les frais de déplacement restent à la charge du/de la participant·e (ils sont éligibles à prise en charge par les tutelles ou laboratoires).
Paiement des frais d’inscription : en ligne (les candidat·e·s retenu·e·s seront informé·e·s de la marche à suivre).
Calendrier à retenir
§ Clôture des candidatures : 15 février 2018
§ Résultat du processus de sélection : 26 février 2018
§ Confirmation des candidat·e·s retenu·e·s : 9 mars 2018
Informations pratiques
Lieu :
Relais Cap France – Le Lazaret
Rue du Pasteur Lucien Benoît, 34200 Sète
Rue du Pasteur Lucien Benoît, 34200 Sète
Dates :
Du mardi 5 juin midi au vendredi 8 juin après-midi.
Participation indispensable à l’ensemble de l’événement.
Participation indispensable à l’ensemble de l’événement.
N'hésitez pas à candidater!
Anne-Sophie Vozari
Edição Especial da Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial (RBEE)
***Edição Especial da Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial (RBEE)
Balanço de 25 anos da produção científica em Educação Especial
Nas últimas décadas tem avançado enormemente a discussão e a implantação de políticas públicas que garantem direitos sociais e educacionais a diferentes grupos sociais, historicamente submetidos a distintas formas de exclusão. Em particular, o público da Educação Especial passou a acessar novas oportunidades, mediante a ampliação das políticas de educação inclusiva, calcadas na valorização da diversidade e no respeito aos direitos humanos.
Diante disso, torna-se importante compreender como a produção científica na área de Educação Especial, em diálogo com diferentes áreas do conhecimento (como Educação, Psicologia, Saúde, entre outras), tem analisado os processos sociais, políticos e educacionais vivenciados por essa parcela da população.
Para tal, e com o objetivo de comemorar os 25 anos da Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial (RBEE), lançamos esta chamada pública para submissão de artigos a serem publicados em uma edição especial dedicada ao balanço da produção científica brasileira em Educação Especial nos últimos 25 anos.
A submissão e a avaliação dos artigos seguirão as regras da revista, conforme cronograma a seguir:
Submissão online: 2 de janeiro a 5 de março de 2018
Avaliação por pares: 6 de março a 15 de abril
Publicação: maio a junho de 2018.
Tesouraria ABPEE.
[Ártemis] Publicação de nova edição
Caros leitores,
A Revista Ártemis acaba de publicar seu último número.
Convidamos você a navegar no sumário da revista para acessar os artigos e
itens de interesse.
Agradecemos seu interesse em nosso trabalho,
As editoras
Revista Ártemis
v. 24, n. 1 (2017)
Dossiê: Corpos recortados: gênero, raça e sexualidade e suas
intersecções na literatura
submissão de artigos
Caros(as) colegas,
Comunico-lhes que a revista Diálogo Educacional, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), Qualis A-2 em Educação, está aberta para submissão de artigos de demanda contínua.
Muito agradeceria se pudessem divulgar essa informação aos seus colegas e/ou contribuir com sua produção acadêmica.
O endereço é:
Saudações acadêmicas,
Profª Drª Alboni Marisa D. Pianovski Vieira
Editora da Revista Diálogo Educacional
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