DOSSIÊ TEMÁTICO: "Precarização do Trabalho Docente"
Aims and Scope
Submission of 300 word
abstract in English by 15 January 2018.
Papers by invitation
A Revista Debates em Educação acaba de publicar seu último número em php/debateseducacao. Convidamos a navegar no
sumário da revista para acessar os artigos e itens de interesse.
Caros leitores,
A RTPS - Revista Trabalho, Política e Sociedade acaba de publicar seu último número. Convidamos a navegar no sumário da revista para acessar os artigos e itens de interesse, clicando no link abaixo:
Exploring_childhood_studies Digest, Vol 92, Issue 4CALL FOR PAPERS
In this special issue of Childhood we would like to explore the origins, logics and effects of child rights governance. Almost thre decades after the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the human rights of children have gained hegemonic status in policy making and influenced a wide range of political and social practices as well as knowledge production on children and childhood. Children’s rights have become an instrument, not only to protect and emancipate children from oppression, but also to govern, regulate and control children and define appropriate types of childhoods.
With this in mind, we would like to take a critical view of how children’s rights are used and have been integrated into national and global political systems of governance over children and childhood. From a state-centric perspective, the concept of governance can be associated with the analysis of state power and its ability to interact with and steer a constantly widening array of non-state actors in the exercise of political authority and the crafting and implementation of policies. Alternative notions of governance, though, embrace a horizontal perspective on politics in which political and social authority is dispersed among different types of actors and political decisions emerge from the interaction between states, international agencies, civil society organizations and social networks. Governance in modern society is tainted with a number of tensions that arise as a result of this reconfiguration of the exercise of systems of governing.
Aims and Scope
In this issue, we seek contributions that study forms and processes of child rights governance. With child rights governance we refer to how children’srights, and the principles and institutions associated with the idea of children’s rights, through different historical legacies and contemporary political challenges increasingly have become part of the mechanism, systems and instruments that are commonly associated with the notion of governance.
We welcome empirical and theoretical contributions that adopt historical perspectives and scrutinize the practical implications of the ”hegemonic” status of the CRC and competing children’s rights concepts as main points of reference in national and international policy-making. The Special Issue
will therefore also incorporate analyses of child rights governance in regions of the world where the CRC is a contested legal framework or adopted in ways that considerably stretch the meanings of children’s rights. Consequently, we are interested in how dominant ideas and legal and political frameworks associated with children’s rights also forge the identity of children as subjects and objects
of governance and how the idea that children are rights-holders becomes institutionalized and instrumentalised in the governance of childhood.
Possible themes for papers include, but are not limited to: regimes of children’s rights in a comparative perspective; international politics of children’s rights before and after 1989; new forms of governance of national children’s right institutions/children’s ombudspersons; children’s rights in NGO policies and international relations; children’s rights in the EU’s external policy; governance of childhood and children’s representation through parents and third parties; the nature and limits of State responsibility for children; governance and the politics of apology; children’s rights and the management of migration; post-colonial theory and the governance of children’s rights; governance of family policy and children’s rights in an era of authoritarianism.
Submission of 300 word
abstract in English by 15 January 2018.
Papers by invitation
only by 1 July 2018
(detailed information about paper submissions will be
sent with the invitation).
Abstracts should be sent
electronically to the Managing Editor, Karin Ekberg:
Please include authors(s)
name(s), and affiliation(s) and all relevant contact
Anticipated publication date
for the Special Issue: August 2019
For enquiries, contact
Anna Holszcheiter:
Jonathan Josefsson:
Bengt Sandin:
(detailed information about paper submissions will be
sent with the invitation).
Abstracts should be sent
electronically to the Managing Editor, Karin Ekberg:
Please include authors(s)
name(s), and affiliation(s) and all relevant contact
Anticipated publication date
for the Special Issue: August 2019
For enquiries, contact
Anna Holszcheiter:
Jonathan Josefsson:
Bengt Sandin:
Prezad@s colegas
A Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa (Auto)biográfica acaba de publicar seu último número - V. 2, N. 6 – Set./Dez. 2017, disponível em
Temos o prazer de apresentar o Dossiê ‘Imagens, Narrativas e Currículos’, organizado por Nilda Alves e Maria da Conceição Silva Soares (Pro-Ped/UERJ) e outros artigos de fluxo contínuo.
Call for papers - RGS-IBG 2018: "Geographies of Institutionalised Childhood"
Call for papers - RGS-IBG 2018: "Geographies of Institutionalised Childhood"
Call for papers - RGS-IBG 2018: "Geographies of Institutionalised Childhood"
Session Organisers: Tom Disney (University of Birmingham, Northumbria University) and Anna Schliehe (University of Cambridge)
The everyday micro-scale worlds, materialities, subjectivities and mobilities of childhood and youth have long been of interest to geographers (Horton and Kraftl 2006), yet, extant research in this area has often focussed on somewhat ‘mainstream’ childhoods from minority world contexts. What of those children deemed ‘problematic’ or in need of care and correction? Many children and young people are subject to institutional interventions that seek to ‘‘design’ and ‘produce’ particular and improved versions’ (Philo and Parr 2000: 513) of their everyday, which is markedly different from the ‘mainstream’. For example, in England last year over 50,000 children were subject to child protection plans, over 70,000 were in residential care (DfE 2016) and over 1000 were experiencing Young Offenders Institutes (MoJ 2017). Such significant interventions see children and young people’s worlds shaped and remade by statutory services. These attempts and techniques can be traced to the ‘traditional’ institutions that seek to alter problematic behaviour, such as prisons, asylums and orphanages, but also ‘institutions’ now operating in a more ‘dispersed spatial form’ that have yet to be addressed. Examples of which might be young people receiving care from children’s services or mental health care at home and in the community. In short, there is a geography of institutionalised childhoods that requires our attention.
In this session we want to focus on children and young people as an under-researched subgroup within carceral geography while also building on research from other disciplines. This CfP seeks to shed light on the everyday worlds of children experiencing significant interventions, both in ‘traditional’ institutions and those that might be understood to be operating in a ‘dispersed spatial form’.
We invite papers from all disciplinary backgrounds that seek to engage with, but are not limited to, the following topics and areas:
- Young people’s experiences of confinement
- More dispersed forms of institutional interventions
- Experiences of residential care
- Young people’s carceral mobilities
- Health environments like hospitals and mental health care
- The family/home as an institutional environment
- Children’s services
- School as an institutional setting
Please send abstracts of max 200 words, giving names, institutional affiliation and contact details for authors/presenters, to Anna ( or Tom ( by no later than Friday the 9th of February 2018.
Session Organisers: Tom Disney (University of Birmingham, Northumbria University) and Anna Schliehe (University of Cambridge)
The everyday micro-scale worlds, materialities, subjectivities and mobilities of childhood and youth have long been of interest to geographers (Horton and Kraftl 2006), yet, extant research in this area has often focussed on somewhat ‘mainstream’ childhoods from minority world contexts. What of those children deemed ‘problematic’ or in need of care and correction? Many children and young people are subject to institutional interventions that seek to ‘‘design’ and ‘produce’ particular and improved versions’ (Philo and Parr 2000: 513) of their everyday, which is markedly different from the ‘mainstream’. For example, in England last year over 50,000 children were subject to child protection plans, over 70,000 were in residential care (DfE 2016) and over 1000 were experiencing Young Offenders Institutes (MoJ 2017). Such significant interventions see children and young people’s worlds shaped and remade by statutory services. These attempts and techniques can be traced to the ‘traditional’ institutions that seek to alter problematic behaviour, such as prisons, asylums and orphanages, but also ‘institutions’ now operating in a more ‘dispersed spatial form’ that have yet to be addressed. Examples of which might be young people receiving care from children’s services or mental health care at home and in the community. In short, there is a geography of institutionalised childhoods that requires our attention.
In this session we want to focus on children and young people as an under-researched subgroup within carceral geography while also building on research from other disciplines. This CfP seeks to shed light on the everyday worlds of children experiencing significant interventions, both in ‘traditional’ institutions and those that might be understood to be operating in a ‘dispersed spatial form’.
We invite papers from all disciplinary backgrounds that seek to engage with, but are not limited to, the following topics and areas:
- Young people’s experiences of confinement
- More dispersed forms of institutional interventions
- Experiences of residential care
- Young people’s carceral mobilities
- Health environments like hospitals and mental health care
- The family/home as an institutional environment
- Children’s services
- School as an institutional setting
Please send abstracts of max 200 words, giving names, institutional affiliation and contact details for authors/presenters, to Anna ( or Tom ( by no later than Friday the 9th of February 2018.
Revista Pedagógica - nova edição
Olá colegas editores... Está no ar a edição de setembro/dezembro 2017 da Revista Pedagógica com um dossiê sobre os impactos do Golpe de Estado sobre as políticas educacionais.
[RDE] Publicação de nova edição
A Revista Debates em Educação acaba de publicar seu último número em
sumário da revista para acessar os artigos e itens de interesse.
Educação e Pesquisa, v. 43, n.4 de 2017
Educação e Pesquisa acaba de publicar seu último número, volume 43, n. 4 de 2017, em: php?script=sci_issuetoc&pid=15 17-970220170004&lng=pt&nrm=iso
Nesse número, destacam-se artigos sobre o setor privado do ensino. São estudos sobre o Brasil e a Argentina, que mostram a diferenciação interna do ensino particular, voltado tradicionalmente à formação das elites, porém cada vez mais presente também junto a camadas favorecidas dos grupos populares.
Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação publica nova edição
A revista Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação acaba de publicar seu último número de 2017, disponível em: iberoamericana/issue/view/655
Divulgação de Publicação Revista Exitus vol. 8, nº.1
É com grande satisfação que informamos que a Revista Exitus Vol. 8 N°. 1 ano 2018 on-line, foi publicada.
Por favor, divulgue-a junto à seus contatos.
Dossiê Avaliação em Educação Infantil - Publicação RELADEI
Socializo com vocês a publicação do dossiê sobre Avaliação em Educação Infantil, publicado na RELADEI – Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil. Os artigos referem-se ao trabalho que realizamos no Projeto de Cooperação Técnica UFPR – MEC (COEDI/SEB sob coordenação de Rita Coelho), em parceria com UFMG, UFRJ, UDESC e UNIPV/Itália.
Publicação de nova edição - Poiésis
Poiésis - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação acaba de publicar seu último número em
[REEDUC] Publicação de nova edição
Caros leitores,
Revista Educação e Cultura Contemporânea acaba de publicar seu último
número em index.php/reeduc. Convidamos a
navegar no sumário da revista para acessar os artigos e itens de
Revista Educação e Cultura Contemporânea acaba de publicar seu último
número em
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