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quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2015

Children and Nature in the Anthropocene

Apologies for cross posting
Children and Nature in the Anthropocene

CFP Annual International Conference, Exeter, 2nd – 4th September, 2015.
Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Institute of British Geographers (IBG)

Session sponsorship:
Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group

In this call for papers there are three distinct but interlinking sessions.  The three sessions will be scheduled on the same day at the RGS-IBG.  We also are planning a Plenary Session to follow, allowing time to discuss cross cutting themes.
For each session please email your abstracts to the corresponding organisers.

Session 1: Building and living with natures: more-than-human geographies of children, young people and families in urban environments

This session seeks to theorise geographies of children, young people and families in new and rapidly-changing urban environments, with a specific focus on human and more-than-human engagements with complex, multiple natures, landscapes and materialities. We would welcome contributions (15 minutes duration) which provide new critical, conceptual and empirical understandings of urban natures, built environments and how they are planned, lived and managed from a childhood, youth and family perspective. For example, papers might consider:

• how are children, young people and families accessing, engaging, playing and living with urban natures in their everyday lives?
• how is ‘nature’ regulated, bounded, managed and represented in urban spaces and what impact does this have on social-material and more-than-human geographies?
• how is ‘nature’ shaping or being shaped, constructed or represented in design/planning processes in new built environments?

We seek to bring together a range of theoretical and empirical insights into the social, cultural and more-than-human geographies of new and rapidly changing/developing cityscapes.

The session will explore multiple conceptualisations of nature which are conceived, emerging and experienced in built environments across minority and majority worlds.

We invite papers which engage with children, young people and families in relation to the following topics:

• more-than-human theorisations of nature and the built environment
• everyday encounters with urban natures and non-human others
• critical and conceptual approaches to children, young people and ‘nature’
• urban natures, vitality and spirituality
• urban natures in shifting/developing landscapes
• urban natures, identities, belonging
• porosity between the built environment and nature
• politics of regulating, planning and representing urban natures
• urban natures, affect and embodiment
• architecture, design and urban ecologies
Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to s.a.hadfield-hill@bham.ac.uk by 10th February, 2015.
Session Convenors
Dr. Sophie Hadfield-Hill (University of Birmingham)
Dr. Cristiana Zara (University of Birmingham)
Dr. John Horton (University of Northampton)
Professor. Peter Kraftl (University of Leicester)

Session 2: Learning to be affected: Mapping young people’s more than human relations

This session responds to the challenges that the Anthropocene poses to the entangled lives, inheritances and futures of 21st century children and their more- than-human companions. It is inspired by the recuperative ethics and politics of feminist geographers who call for us to decentre the human; pursue distributed notions of agency; and find new ways to understand and practise our relations with the more-than-human others with whom we share this world (Anderson, 2014; Gibson, Rose & Fincher, 2015; Whatmore 2013).

This session will focus upon the co-constitutive relations between young people and the more-than-human world with a particular emphasis on mutual affect and distributed agency. We welcome presentations that are based on empirical research with young people; that are situated and place attuned; that experiment with creative and multi-sensorial methods; and that explore new ways of paying attention to how we are mutually affecting and affected by encounters and relations with the more than human others with whom we share our worlds.

Session Convenors
Assoc. Prof. Affrica Taylor
Prof. Emma Renold

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to affrica.taylor@canberra.edu.au  by 10th February.

Session 3: Impacts of children, families and young people connecting with nature
The "anthropocene" (Cutzen and Stoermer, 2000) acknowledges the role of human society in shaping our world and our future. Global environmental change and rapid processes of urbanisation have highlighted the important role nature plays in our lives, in terms of health and wellbeing (Bird, 2007) as well as ecology and livelihoods (Dillon, et al 2005). A growing movement is focussing on the amount of time children and young people spend outdoors (e.g. Louv, 2005; Gill, 2014) and their connection to nature as a way of re-interpreting our relationship to the more-than-human. This session aims to promote discussion on the impact of activities promoting children’s (re)-connection with nature, either through education or in more informal settings and will also explore the long-term impacts of connecting with nature on later life-choices and lifestyle behaviours.

Session Convenors:
Dr Frances Harris (Kingston University, London)
Dr Sue Waite (Plymouth University)
Dr Roger Cutting (Plymouth University)

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to Frances Harris (f.harris@kingston.ac.uk) by 10th February, 2015.

Dr. John Horton

Centre for Children and Youth,
Park Campus,
The University of Northampton,
Boughton Green Road,
Northampton, NN2 7AL.
(Phone: 01604 892990)

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