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sexta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2013

CALL FOR PAPERS Global Studies of Childhood www.wwwords.co.uk/GSCH

Special issue - Volume 4 Number 3 2014
The Cultural Politics of ‘Childhood’ and ‘Nation’: space, mobility and a global world
Guest Editor: Dr Zsuzsa Millei, The University of Newcastle, Australia (zsuzsanna.millei@newcastle.edu.au)

Historically, the state’s interest in children has always been about a nation’s future: “investments in future parenthood, economic competitiveness, and a stable democratic order” (Hendrick, 1997, p. 46). In debates about the future, childhood stands in the crosscurrent of various competing cultural and (geo)political projects. Childhood is “the most intensively governed sector of existence” (Rose, 1999, p. 123). Notions of ‘childhood’ and ‘nation’ shape how we understand our own childhood (memories of belonging to a nation), children’s worlds (as a/political agents and citizens of a nation and / or globe) and children’s lives. However, we know little about the premises upon which children’s sense of belonging to a national community is constructed and how children come to assume and inhabit national identities. In the globalised world there is a “thoroughgoing, world-wide, restructuring of … space - times, … cultures which are themselves the hybrid products of previous restructurings” (Massey, 1999, p. 23, cited in Amin, 2002) that poses several problematics for understanding ‘nation’ and ‘childhood’, and nation-centred analysis of policies, provisions, constructions and experiences of childhood. Family, community or nation-bound notions of ‘childhood’ are also being increasingly challenged. This context necessitates new imaginations, theoretical arguments and empirical investigations.

Amin, A. (2002) Spatialities of globalisation. Environment and Planning. 34, 385 – 399.
Hendrick, H. (1997). Children, childhood and English society, 1880-1990. Cambridge: CambridgUniversity Press.
Rose, N. (1999). Powers of freedom: Reframing political thought. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Please download detailed call for papers from the journal's website:

Abstract or expression of interest (500 words) please, by November 30, 2013

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